
Microsoft Viva Insights is a digital workplace analytics and productivity tool that provides insights and data-driven recommendations to employees and managers to help them improve their work habits, work-life balance, and overall productivity.

My focus

The redesign aims to start a guided conversation, help users understand meeting health by grouping information with issues, providing severity levels, and streamlining user flows to make insights more actionable.

I work to capture meeting insights that helps managers identify potential areas for improvement, such as reducing unnecessary meetings and adjusting workloads to improve time management.

Within meeting insights, the meeting category and meeting habits features provide information into how much time users are spending on different types of meetings and how their meeting habits may be affecting their productivity. Additionally, the expensive meeting feature helps managers to identify cost-saving opportunities, review time allocated and attendees, and reduce meeting length.

By using these features, users can gain a better understanding of their time management and meeting habits, make adjustments to their schedules to prioritize high-value meetings, and reduce time spent in less productive ones.