Fremont Arts Council Website Redesign

The Fremont Arts Council (FAC) is a Seattle non-profit arts and culture organization centered on supporting community arts through workshops and events. In collaboration with the FAC, our team helped them achieve 6 business goals.

Key tasks: Stakeholder interviews, website data analysis, customer support data analysis, competitive analysis, heuristic evaluation, user personas, task matrix, card sort, information architecture, usability testing, mid & high fidelity prototyping.



This project was completed during the first few months of Covid lockdown in the User-Centered Web Design class. Our goals were to improve a website. We selected FAC among 5 other potential candidates. We contacted and pitched our redeisgn process with FAC, determined project scope and collaborated with them in weekly basis. We used various research methods to understand the needs of the target users. Our team consisted of 2 researchers, 2 designers and 1 project manager.


Timeline: 9 weeks

My roles: UX & Visual Design, Brand Identity


Logo Redesign

The new geometric logo is composed of different shapes; it reflects FAC’s spirit which is to welcome people of all backgrounds and identities.

The red circle represents the sun, and the first letter of art, “A”, represents a mountain. Together, they create a picture of sunrise and beauty; it communicates growth, hospitality, and a readiness to spread love and hope.

The lively color choice mirrors FAC’s mission— encourage participation in creating colorful and vibrant celebration of art.

The Challenges

Increasing findability and readability of important information.

Time and location of events, volunteer opportunites, and funding through donation are often hidden in the depths of the site. The FAC receives lots of messages asking and clarifying the information. Our challenge was to redesign the website and make the event details clear, easy to find, help FAC raise more funds, and build a larger network of volunteers.

The Process

Undestanding business goals and the needs of the target users, FAC volunteers, local artists, and supporters of the organization.

Over the course of nine-week engagement, we led the FAC team through a user-centered design process combining various research methods with interactive prototype built on user needs. We equipped FAC with high fidelity website prototype, design system, a new logo as well as the development plan to guide the team’s next steps.

We started user research including stakeholder interviews, website data analysis, customer support data analysis, competitive analysis and heuristic evaluation. We displayed the business goals and uncovered the user needs.


Based on the research findings, we defined core tasks of the website. We then created more than 10 concepts in the ideation session. To determin which concepts to move forward with, we explained design rationales and used red dots voting in our workshop. We then developed low and mid fidelity prototypes and tested it with target users.

Through close collaboration between stakeholders, design and research team. We were able to integrate reseach findings and usability testing feedback into the new FAC website.

The result

A new website better showcase the FAC’s resources and contributions to the Seattle community.

The final product increases the findability and readability. The redesign makes it easier for users to navigate and figure out what the FAC has to offer. We moved the design in a clean yet colorful and lively direction. We also updated the content to be more succinct and have plain and inviting language. 

The redesign focuses on seven signature experiences:

1. Find everything from the Homepage
2. View upcoming events
3. View event details
4. Sign up to volunteer
5. Make a donation
6. Join FAC as a new member
7. Register for a luminary workshop


  1. Find everything you need from homepage

2. View upcoming events

3. View event detail

4. Sign up to volunteer

5. Make a donation

6. Join or renew FAC membership

7. Register for a luminary workshop

We delivered FAC with a presentation that tells the vision of redesign and how it can better address the user needs. The FAC team is currently working on turning the new design alive.